Georgia | Under Yahshua Our Redeemer Church ALSO Remnant School of Excellence Christian Academy
Tayo Reed's Performing Arts
PreSchool Academy
Private. Independent.Educational Program.

Award Winning Preschool Academy
We are under Yahshua Our Redeemer Church. An extension of Remnant School of Excellence Christian Academy. Now enrolling 2023. Limited space available. America's highest quality private independent,educational program integrated with performing arts.

Director and Founder, Pastor and Prophetess Tayo Reed
" I am happy you took the time to visit our website today. I am so grateful to my, Redeemer Yahshua HaMashiach “Jesus Christ” and our God of Israel “YAHSHAR’el for every child who have enrolled over the years, still enrolled and for students who will be enrolling his year as re establish in our n e w location.
I am very excited to meet all the Parents and Students. Until then remember, "The best is yet to come!" Shalom."
We believe in the family unity, serving our community, and giving unconditional love to every child!. Have you read my testimony on our Go Fund Me Page. God shifted my life during the Pandemic because I never lost my hope. I pray as your read my story you are blessed and inspired to give others hope. Click on this link :
Toddlers, Early Learners PreK, Kindergarten Class ROCKS! #TayoReed iTeach
Get to know us
for ages 2 years to schoool age. Tayo Reed's Performing Arts Center (TRPAC) is a 501c3 Non Profit faith-based organization with multiple Youth Programs. Tayo Reed's Performing Arts Preschool Academy is separate from and an expansion of Tayo Reed's Performing Arts CENTER. The preschool is under the Non Profit Performing Arts Center Faith Based Organization. We are licensed, accredited, and certified, by the state of Georgia as an educational program with High Quality. The Preschool Academy Academic daily schedule is posted in each classroom. We are members of the GAC. The mission of the GAC is twofold: (l) to establish standards promoting instruction of high quality for children in Georgia and (2) to encourage schools to meet the established standards. Tayo Reed's Performing Arts Preschool Academy is also an established religious school since 2014 that conducts regularly scheduled classes Monday through Friday. GAC provides an accreditation process designed to establish and uphold standards, to strengthen the quality of education in each school, and to assure its membership and the general public that the established standards are related to the best educational practices. The GAC Membership of the governing board represents teachers, instructional supervisors, school administrators, Regional Educational Service Agency personnel, Georgia Department of Education personnel, and college personnel who are responsible for the preparation of teachers and other professional educators. We are proud to be Accredited With Quality the highest honor from the GAC. We applied for Accreditation in 2017, we were approved, and currently still approved with quality.
We teach from the Holy Bible, Hebraic biblical principles using the Hebrew names, our "Heavenly Father" or Yah. We also teach about our "Savior " Yahshua (Jesus) who we give all the honor , all the praise and all the glory!
Developing Preschool BRILLANCE:
PARENT RESOURCE for every child from preschool to college.
We have a divine given purpose and vision. The vision was inspired over years of struggles, trials, tribulations, and sacrifice, founded on love and faith.
Registration is year round. Our Preschoolers learn MORE through TEACHING and less through play.
ADVANCED toddlers, brilliant early learning preschoolers, and Entrepreneur Kindergarten are all our educational programs integrated with the performing arts
Parents with older siblings or not attending the preschool can enroll in the performing arts center or private day school . Preschoolers who do not enroll in our preschool have the option to only take the performing arts if space is available. Starting at age 2. -
Themed units that encourage your child’s curiosity, increase confidence, and support self-directed activities.
Hands-on experiences designed to boost problem solving and scientific thinking skills Daily small-and whole-group activities
Observation-based assessments that track your child’s progress toward developmental milestones and school readiness
Portfolios that document growth and development through your child’s work
Regular teacher-family communication, including ways you can continue the learning in your own home Arts Education helps preschoolers cognitive, motor and language skills.
Art programs also helps to improve memory and concentration skills, develop decision-making and critical thinking skills, enhance communication and listening skills, help children to establish relationships between objects and encourage focus and discipline.
Our preschoolers have a competition National Touring Dance Team when they are technically ready in all skills in Tayoartology teachings in the Fine Arts.
Email your questions, suggestions & reviews directly to the Director!
We’d love to hear from you!
Highest Academic For Preschool
The BEST academic curriculum offered is Montessori Educational Materials, Tayoartology teaching methods, Abeka Book, combined with Brain Quest. The A Beka Book curriculum is the highest preschool level of education specifically for children ages 1 to School Age, to introduce them to Bible stories, letters and numbers in order to prepare the for kindergarten. We prepare preschools to be Entrepreneurs
and University Scholars.
Tayo Reed’s Performing Arts Preschool Academy creates its preschool curriculum and programs to align to approximately 140 learning standards that progress sequentially across six developmental domains. These include:
1. Cognitive Development
2. Creative Expressions
3. Executive Function Language and Literacy Development
4. Physical Development and
5. Wellness Social Development
6. Emotional Development
Discipline is a remedy essential for early learning. It is crucial to develop social, emotional, and behavioral skills that kids will need for the rest of their lives. We have advancement youth programs that is all INCLUSIVE and SPECIALIZES in the Performing Arts. The educational advantage is when our students have the basic and traditional way of learning, in addition to learning with our exclusive teaching methods called “ Tayoartology “ in the performing arts integrated with academics. We have specialize in the arts for 30 years. Tayoartology started 1988 with educational traditional basics. Our preschool brilliance is a result of learning more through teaching and less through play, learning culture, our history, economics useful for society, leadership, social studies, english, foreign language, and inventions. The integrity of Tayoartology is life changing for children and parents. This form of teaching was divinely imparted, and has three decades of being proven high quality in our preschool academy , before care , after school academy, and performing arts center.