Georgia | Under Yahshua Our Redeemer Church ALSO Remnant School of Excellence Christian Academy
Tayo Reed's Performing Arts
PreSchool Academy
Private. Independent.Educational Program.

Tayo Reed’s Performing Arts Preschool was licensed in 2014 by the Department of Early Care and Learning We are an established faithbased, performing arts school that conducts regularly scheduled classes, and an educational program, a member, accredited and certified by the GAC, Georgia Accrediting Commission approved by the department.
The Georgia Accrediting Commission, Inc serving Georgia Schools since 1904 approved Tayo Reed's Performing Arts Preschool and Accredited with "Quality" the highest level of accreditation for 2017 - 2020 school year when the preschool applied the first time. Since 2017 an accreditation with quality has been issued after each consultant visitation. This is to certify that the educational program of Tayo Reed’s Performing Arts Preschool and Pre Kindergarten has met all necessary standards to be Accredit as a traditional Private School scholastic year.
Tayo Reed’s Performing Arts Academy has a website only. We are featured on selected social media and other websites with approved authorization for partners, donors, and associations.