There are multiple ways to donate and support our educational and arts youth programs, independent private day school, preschool, and performing arts center non profit organization.
Individuals Give a gift
Corporate Give a gift
Sponsor a child
To SPONOR a child(ren) annual tuition please fill out the form below. Additional information will be emailed to you within 48 hours.
We are 501c3 Non Profit Organization 100% Tax Deductible

Cleaning service for one year
TV Commercial for one year
Create our own app
Gas card for one year
STEM Materials
Approved Grants
100 New Students
3 Black Large File Cabinets with locks
10 Chalkboard Med Natural Wood Desks
100 inspiring reading books
30 Montessori wood making words
30 Montessori wood counting learning
30 Montessori wood tracing numbers and letters with stick and back and front
5 acres of land with school built ground up with 10 classrooms, 4 dance rooms, lunch room, gym, theatre, 2 music rooms, 2 playground area, front office 3 administrative offices, track and field for prek to 12th grades.
5 Vans With Logos paid in full
Van insurance paid one year
Lease paid in full 4 years or one year
Utilities paid one year
100 Uniforms
100 Dance Costumes sets of 15
20 Tablets
20 Desktop Computers
20 Laptops
100 Student Lockers
2 Floor Standing Multi- purpose Copy Machine with ink
100 Workbooks for preschool, 1st - 3rd grades for Math, Reading, Letters, and Numbers.
30 Montessori large natural wood alphabets and numbers
30 Montessori wood math learning
Theater rental or Donate theatere for recital in May two days
Lunch deliveries for one year for students
Radio Advertisement daily for one year
Social Media ads for one year
Google Ads for one years
Billboard near us for 3 - 6 months
School Supplies by the case pencils, paint brushes, paint, construction paper, glue, glitter, stick pins, writing paper, copy paper, Markers,Dry Erasers and Solution
Jumbo wood blocks 100
10 natural wood preschool table sets