Christian Academy Early Learning ,PreK - 2nd
Under Yahshua Our Redeemer Church


Private Educator

Educational and Arts Resource Center

We are your solution for working parents.

Private Educator
America's Working Parents,
who want to Homeschool or enroll in an Online School of excellence. "We are your solution!"
America's Loving Parents,
who cares about your child's advancement academically and appreciate the arts. "We are your solution!"
America's Parents interested in Homeschooling,
because you work from home. "We are your solution!"
Our Online Academia is superb in stimulating the minds of children to learn and combines the performing arts that will help you child advance. Our mission is a question we continuously ask ourselves. "How can we accommodate our families?" Because the "family " to Tayo Reed Performing Arts Academy (TRPAA) is the most important part of the community and world. We want to really make parents daily routine easier by providing additional full services at the Educational and Arts Resource Center (EAARC) onsite established by Director and Founder, Dr. Tayo Reed. Parents and Children of all races, ages, and grades, are welcome to the TRPAA family. The first step is we would love to have your children registered today or anytime of year which parents love the flexibility we provide in scheduling called time works for you, "work at your own pace." We believe that your child will soar with working at their pace thoroughly learning.
Online Private School Tuition Based Early Learning and Prek - 5
Online Private School Tuition Based 6th - 8th
Online Private School Tuition Based 9th - 12th
Tayo Reed's Performing Arts Academy private online educational advanced academia provides you with all the courses your child needs for preschool, elementary, middle school, and high school. We understand the importance of organizing and coordinating schedules for your child online curriculum. We assist you with a personalized non traditional continual edcuation. You may enroll part time or full time and one class to multiple classes throught the year. The application take a few minutes. You can complete now or at a future date. Enrollment is year round. We offer the performing arts each semester from Drama, M u s i c, Dance, and Vocal Lessons based on scheduling and availability.
FAQ - How does online school works? Simple.
We are a year round school and you can start whenever you like. We are hear for you when you need to transfer
schools for whatever reasons, start back to school, need more flexibity with classes, from another country, or if you took a break from school due to medical reasons we will assist you with academic online school year. If you have started online school already no problem we will accommodate you after your semester is over to take advantage of the Covid - 19 discounts and performing arts includded. If you want to take the performing arts classes until that time we have a special online performing arts classes for you. Please complete the form below if you would like to be on our list to enroll in the future or sooner specify the date or performing arts classes only before enrolling. Parent referrals may enroll as a Legacy Parent member for special rates throughout the year for online arts classes only if they are already in a Public or Private school online and would like to take the online performing arts classes.
Report Cards, Transcripts, Birth Certificate, and Immunizations. We will provide an accessment after you complete your enrollment
Include your $99 Annual non refundable registration fee.